Solutions by Industry: Legal
Helping law firms better handle their information
Law firms and other businesses connected with the legal profession need to handle many kinds of documents on a daily basis. Among these could be case files, time tracking information, and billing records. Managing all of this information can present some enormous problems, especially if you’re dealing with paper documents.
You’ll need to worry about having enough space and funds to store these documents, carefully balancing security and accessability. TierFive can help relieve your business of these problems. We offer a variety of solutions to help organizations in the legal profession manage their information and their overhead better.
TierFive serves a wide range of clients in the legal community, ranging from top tier law firms to the local court systems. Typical applications include:
- Litigation Support
- Audit & Finance Records
- Human Resources Records
- Employer Files
- Medical Records
- Court Documents
- Transcripts
- Adoption Records
- Tax Assessments
- Briefs & Contracts
- Property Agreements
- Historical Records
- Microfilm & Microfiche
- Blueprints & Drawings
- Photographs & Film
Solutions for the Legal Profession
The legal field is document intensive. Litigation always involves discovery. Discovery usually involves the reproduction and/or conversion of records from one format to another. Because the information being “Discovered” accumulates over time and comes from various sources, the originals vary widely. Internally, law firms are also faced with the growing need to manage client related information. Meanwhile, our court systems are burdened by an overload of documents that date back hundreds of years. If not digitized or microfilmed, paper records fade and degrade over time. Outsourcing these tasks to IMA makes sense. It insures that valuable records are accurately preserved and enables you to focus on your business, free valuable storage space and reduce costs.
TierFive has a variety of equipment to help legal workers do their jobs:
- Our multifunction systems make it almost effortless to print, scan, store and distribute documents.
- Our laser printers give users the ability to print high volumes of professional-level documents.
- Our scanners let you capture your paper documents and convert them to digital files.
TierFive’s selection of Document Imaging Solutions can help law firms keep their documents organized and related expenses low.
- Our Document Scanning solutions enable lawyers and clerks to convert paper files to digital formats quickly, accurately and securely.
- Our Document Hosting solutions enable law firms to process, distribute, and protect their important information with the ability to monitor and restrict access to private or sensitive documents.
Would You Like To Know More?
Are you ready to go? Would you like more information?You can contact a TierFive associate through the web or by phone at +1 (888) 547-2267.